Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm Fri 8am-12noon Ph.337-725-3000 Emergency:337-317-9638 support@waterworks3.com Contact Us
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm Fri 8am-12noon Ph.337-725-3000 Emergency:337-317-9638 support@waterworks3.com Contact Us
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The Boil Advisory has been LIFTED for the following: ALL customers on Alcock, McCorquodale, Lucien Jones, Fontenot, and Doc Clark Roads, all located in the Longville area. Thank you for your patience. For questions, please call 337-725-3000.
The Boil Advisory has been LIFTED for the following: ALL customers on Alcock, McCorquodale, Lucien Jones, Fontenot, and Doc Clark Roads, all located in the Longville area. Thank you for your patience. For questions, please call 337-725-3000.